Skyline of Halle with the main 5 towers>Spare Time>Ziegelwiese

In this categories different places for spare time activities in Halle are presented.

A very important thing in each city is to have a park. People go there with dogs and children, to play ball, or to flirt with each other. Halle of course has also such a park. The described actions are concentrated on the Ziegelwiese, which is a part of the Peißnitz island. In the middle of the Ziegelwiese is a pool with a very big fountain, which is not operating all the time.

Once each year at the last weekend of August is the Laternenfest at the bank of Saale between Peißnitz and castle Giebichenstein. There are some traditional actions like a ship parade on the river and fishermen joust. At those days you are not able to see the grassland anymore, because of several ten thousand people. There are different shops, stages with live music and a traditional middle age market. A lot of German beer is served as well. The evening is closed by a big fireworks.


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